Admission and Registration Department


Admission and Registration Department

The Admission and Registration Department (ARD) is responsible for providing full support to students during registration periods and validating awarding of degrees, as well as verifying all class scheduling and handling student academic progress and accomplishments.

ARD also supports academic departments and administrative staff in providing a high quality student experience built on accuracy, security and timeliness through essential information via integrated student‐related systems. Hope you enjoy your Semester!
Mr. Ali Hamad
University Registrar

For further information, enquiries, comments or suggestions, please contact the ARD staff on:

Tel No.: +971 (04)449-9202


Provide timely and accurate evaluation of student credentials.

Provide information for academic advising​

Maintain a responsive, student‐oriented registration and recruitment system.

Assure that the admission and registration functions are conducted digitally.

Maximize the utilization of the available instructional resources.

Provide adequate space and secure access to authorized faculty and staff for student academic records.

Keep students informed and updated on AUE policies, events and the academic calendar, as well as offer online services.