Student Testimonials

Captain Hajar Rashid Al Nuaimi
At American University in the Emirates, I found not just an education, but a community that nurtured my growth and inspired me to achieve beyond my expectations. I gained tools, knowledge, and support to pursue my dreams and excel in my career. Proud to be an AUE alumna and grateful for the transformative experience and lifelong connections made at AUE.
من خلال دراستي في الجامعة الأمريكية في الإمارات، وجدت الفرصة الاكاديمية والبيئة المجتمعية المناسبه والملهمة لتحقيق النجاح وكل ما هو أبعد من توقعاتي. اكتسبت المعرفة والدعم اللازم لتحقيق أحلامي والتفوق في حياتي المهنية. أنا فخورة وممتنة بأنني خريجة الجامعة الأمريكية في الإمارات.

Amro Atef
My educational experience at the American University in the Emirates was truly enriching and transformative. The professors were not only knowledgeable but also extremely supportive, especially as I managed the challenges of being a working student. They provided continuous academic and emotional encouragement, which helped me stay focused and motivated. What stood out most was the university’s emphasis on real-world learning; through practical projects, visits to leading organizations, and hands-on activities, we were encouraged to apply our knowledge to real-life scenarios rather than just focusing on theoretical concepts. This approach has prepared me to confidently face professional challenges and excel in my career.

Eisa Ahmed Abdalla Hussain AlHammadi
At the American University in the Emirates, my journey felt like a struggle between dreams and reality. In moments of solitude and exhaustion, when the road seemed too long and the destination was unreachable, I found the strength to face those struggles. Professors who believed in my abilities when I doubted myself, as well as friends who supported me in difficult times, made me realize that every hard moment will end after achieving my objective.
The long nights I spent immersed in books and the days when the weight of responsibilities felt overwhelming were the moments that truly evolved me to be better. Between every hardship and achievement, I came to understand that strength lies not in a path free of obstacles, but in our ability to rise each time we fall.
When I stood during my graduation holding my degree, it was not just a piece of paper. It was the story of the struggle I faced and my unbreakable determination. That moment wasn’t the end of the journey. It was the beginning of a chapter where I learned that self-belief and hard work can make the impossible possible.

Sultan Saif Mohamed Helal Alshehhi
My name is Sultan Saif Bin Helal, and I graduated from AUE in August 2023. My time at AUE fueled my passion for security studies and crisis management, inspiring me to publish two research papers in respected journals. The supportive environment and dynamic curriculum gave me the tools and confidence to tackle challenges and turn obstacles into opportunities. AUE truly shaped my journey and encouraged me to strive for excellence.

Shahnaz Daniel Daniel Hayat
I am grateful to American University in the Emirates for providing an exceptional education that has been pivotal in shaping my career and professional growth. The academic environment and supportive faculty equipped me with the skills and knowledge to thrive. As an AUE alumnus, I carry forward the invaluable experiences that continue to drive my success. Thank you, AUE, for turning potential into achievement and opening doors to endless opportunities.

I don’t know where to start, yet I knew instantly that being part of AUE was a blessing. At first, I felt like any other freshman, anxious toward entering the University’s atmosphere, yet the anxiety soon faded away and I adapted quickly. I will never forget my colleagues, professors and AUE employees, whom I always thought of as my family. When I reflect on being an AUE student, I conclude that the experience enabled me to communicate better, learn more and grow stronger, not just academically.
It was of my pleasure completing my bachelor’s degree in Marketing and E-commerce, scoring a GPA of 3.93 within three and a half years. Moreover, I had the chance to work a year before graduation, and although balancing between being a full time employee and a full time student is supposed to be a difficult thing to do, yet I guess this is a right moment to say, ‘‘Nothing is impossible’’.
It is time to say goodbye AUE, thanks a million for all the memories that meant the world to me, and for all the academic and life lessons, you taught me throughout the past years. Ciao!

I am Wael Al Atrash, student at the College of Business Administration, majoring in Finance, joining the American University in the Emirates in spring 2012-2013, I was amazingly surprised by the warmth and care of the administration and faculty members. I enjoyed every class, especially that all faculty members are very much encouraging, informed and patient. With the support of AUE, I had the opportunity to study my summer course in the United States of America. I have shared knowledge with my colleagues and made many friends. I believe that after my graduation, I will have many opportunities to achieve my professional goals and build up an outstanding career with my education. Thank you AUE for making my educational journey rich, fruitful and enjoyable.


The road not taken”, an amazing poem I was taught in my English Literature class at AUE, where it explained that it is human nature to think choosing a different path, a different decision could perhaps had result in a better outcome. Nonetheless, I am confident and proud to say that having chosen AUE as a platform to pursue my education was the most wise decision I’ve ever made throughout my life.
To me, AUE is the bridge, no I better say the pillar of the bridge to success; It acknowledged and appreciated my academic performance, hence, gave me the opportunity to study by supporting me financially where no institution had considered in this region. It provided enriched flexible program schedules so that I could have plenty of options to choose for a smooth work-life-study balance. Moreover, AUE offered elective subjects where I had the opportunity to explore different courses offered from different colleges, helping me examine my interest field and be assured of making the right decision.

I remember the first time I walked through the doors of AUE and the first person I spoke with. I was reluctant and wasn’t really sure of myself being a typical student since I am a mother of 3 children. However, this feeling started to fade away. Firstly, it was this overwhelming sense that this University is dedicated to the success of its student. Secondly, after interacting with students it came to my attention the students themselves were present because they really wanted to be no matter what the circumstances were. I then concluded that it was the sense of family the University has, it nourishes and fosters a culture from the top to the bottom, where everyone (student, faculty and staff) are invested in each other’s success.
AUE, it was an immense honor and a privilege to be part of you. As a result of valuable and unforgettable experiences I had encountered, I’m now a stronger, more refined and intelligent version of me. Nevertheless, my journey at this University has been significantly enriched by help from my professors; I salute and thank them for guiding, shaping and molding me.
My advice to you AUE students is to follow your dreams and be optimistic to reach your future endeavors. Believe in yourself and it’s never late to seek help if needed; remember it just takes determination because if I did it then you will definitely be able to. (Nothing Is Impossible)

My dream of getting a MBA in an American university finally came true with the American University in the Emirates (AUE). All my academic requirements were met. AUE has the highest standards of lectures by supportive and experienced professors, a friendly environment, an interest- grabbing library and fruitful assignments that added value to my career. My knowledge and experience considerably expanded with each class of MBA I took and it encouraged me to obtain my PhD at AUE in the near future.
My job was not interrupted at all by utilizing the golden chance of flexible schedules.
If you are looking for the destination to globally enhance your competitiveness and internationalize your experience, then I highly recommend you to take the AUE MBA train. Thanks AUE for paving the way towards achieving my goals.

As a fresh graduate from AUE, I would like to express the joy I had when I met my valuable Instructors and Professors, who gave me a chance and encouraged me so hard to create my own successful path through the last three years. There was a sense of excitement to finish my last course, my last semester in AUE yet I cannot deny how much I will miss those days. What made AUE special were my colleagues, who were part of my journey, from application to graduation, and who were a great mean of support through the highs and lows, and who no doubt saw me at my best and worst.
I would like to take this as an opportunity to thank you for always pushing me beyond my limits. You have shown me that I could work without batting an eye yet I had only a very few hours of sleep. I’m proud of being one of the highest honors graduate students in the third batch for this year. At last, we were taught and raised, that at the end of each chapter there will always be a new one. A new chapter full of challenges and joy whether it was in continuing our education field or being very successful in our career life.

It was my honor to be a member of AUE, I have graduated from the College of Business Administration with a Masters in Business Administration, which developed my knowledge, experience and helped me achieve success in my career.
I’m an elected Secretary of the Alumni Council, which gained me valuable experience by getting involved with the management of AUE and many friends and colleagues in the AUE campus environment. I also had participated in several meetings within the Council to create and develop ways to simplify the life of students at the University.
I appreciate all the Doctors, Professors, and AUE staff for spending their time and effort to teach me and help me in my career.