AUE Celebrates its 6th Successful Student Research Competition
The 6th iteration of the American University in the Emirates Annual Student Research Competition (AUESRC) recently came to close, once again successfully emphasizing the significance of scientific research in advancing knowledge production and enhancing community-based relations in UAE specifically, not to mention the wider Arab world.

The competition has witnessed impressive growth over its short lifespan, attracting students from all over the UAE. In the latest version of the AUESRC, 107 research projects were presented across academic disciplines ranging from the Social Sciences and Humanities to the Natural Sciences, and representing 14 universities from 10 participating countries across the Middle East. Student presentations over the two-day symposium were judged by a committee representing both academia and industry. The winners were announced in the closing session of the competition on 12th September 2023.
The winners’ awards will support their research endeavours, as well as strengthening their critical and analytical thinking skills. In addition, it is hoped that the awards will furnish the students with even greater confidence in their research abilities, allowing them to explore new frontiers in their fields of study, and preparing them for graduate-level studies.
The AUESRC aims at encouraging universities across the region to promote scientific research among undergraduate students, thus making it an integral part of their university educational experience. The qualities the competition seeks to install and sharpen in students are patience, courage and respect while exchanging their ideas with fellow students, doctors and judges.
The competition directly supports the research priorities of the UAE government. Specifically, the AUESRC supports the government’s drive toward fostering innovation and encouraging students to become actively involved in research that will develop the country’s educational and social priorities. Moreover, the AUESRC seeks to instil life-long learning skills, enhance career opportunities for young people, and foster ethical attitudes in the day-to-day lives of students, whether inside or outside the classroom.

The Winners of the AUESRC 2023:
1st Place: Sina Elyass (American University in the Emirates) Paper Title: Designing Virtual Reality Environments for Optimal Learning Experiences
2nd Place: Haifa AlZaabi (American University in the Emirates) Paper Title: The Feasibility of Enforcing a Void Arbitration Order
3rd Place: Zina Abdo Osman & Ahmad Abdullah Paper Title: Voice Messages Search – A Recommendation for A New WhatsApp Feature – MIR Technology
3rd Place Repeated: Amna Mohamed, Fadel Abass, Ibrahim Raad Majeed (University of Technology, Iraq) Paper Title: Design and Implementation of a Replacement Arm Using a 3D Printer
1st Place in Medicine: Zainab Abdulnasser, Danah Albek, Nour Dabbagh (Al Ain University)
Paper Title: Targeting DNA and Protein Methylation for Treating Breast Cancer
1st Place in Medicine: Mohamed YS, Bani I, Panigrahi D, A Azoubi, Forsat K, Albozeyah L, Al-Nuaimy Y. (Ajman University)
Paper Title: Hand-Hygiene Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices (KAP) among University Students in the UAE Amid and Post Covid-19 Pandemic