AUE Hosts First Aid Training for Swimming.

The American University in the Emirates (AUE) has hosted a four-day training course for basic first aid for swimming and watersports, Star Swim Coach – UAE.
Starfish Aquatics Institute and the American Safety and Health Institute offered a comprehensive program that seeks to produce safer waterparks, swimming pools and beachfronts. Both institutes have globally developed stronger standards and they have shared their valuable experience at AUE. Professional Sports and Lifeguard Services have been the organizer of the full training.
Dubai is a top destination for beachgoers and various water sports are popularly encouraged, making this training essential to those swimming for pleasure or training for a professional medal, as well as organizations wanting to improve their facilities. More than 70 people attended the extensive training program which was led by Lake White, the Quality Assurance and Improvement Director for the Starfish Aquatics Institute, who travels the world to train lifeguards and provide on-site risk management and safety assessments. Also in attendance were Director of Sports Tourism at the Dubai Sports Council, Mr. Ghazi Al Madani, Technical Specialist of the UAE National Olympic Committee, Mr. Ramzi Battaieb, Vice President of the Arab Committee for Diving and Safeguard, Mr. Abeed Al Kaabi, former national swimmer, Mr. Khuwaiter Aldhahiri and Managing Director of the Emerging Center in Sharjah, Mr. Shihab Aloudhi.
Attendees of the training program are being trained in aquatic risk management systems, water safety initiatives and litigation support. They will also receive an international license and certification approved by the UAE Swimming Federation.President and CEO of AUE, Professor Muthanna Abdul Razzaq explained his honor of being involved, “AUE always strives to create community engagement through different event, training programs and workshops.”
While presenting the training, Professor Ali Samaka, of the College of Law at AUE, said, “Water sports are a big part of the UAE and that is why an international training program is vital for keeping standards high and current.” Professor Samaka teaches the MA in Sports Law program at AUE, which is a unique degree in the GCC and MENA.
The UAE will be hosting the 2020 FINA Short Course World Swimming Championships and AUE is working hard to make a mark on its contribution.